Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Racist Minds Are Falling Apart!

Read this article.

Amazingly, this has attracted NO attention in the main stream media. Rather, it's been left to the behind-the-scenes people, bloggers, and others that aren't being controlled by anyone but themselves to report on this.

Steven Thrasher, a Black man, African-American, whatever he chooses to call himself, wrote several pages on how White Americans have been floating along in self-delusional bliss for all these years, only to fall apart two years ago with the nomination and subsequent election of President Obama. We, White Americans, are painted as fat, lazy, stupid, sex-crazed self-centered people that have no business even thinking we're equal, let alone better, than anyone else. The only logical way we could NOT like our first Black president is to be racist. It simply MUST be because he's black and no other reason.

I am so incredibly offended by this piece of trash, I can't even begin to explain it. Obviously, calling for it to not be printed would be a violation of the moron's Freedom of Speech. He has the right to say what he believes, no matter how stupid, idiotic and bigoted it is. To that end, I have just as much right to point out what a stupid, idiotic bigot he is.

What have we come to, that only one side is permitted? Had a White person said the same thing about Black people, it would have been all over Katie Couric's desk and Bill Maher's table. We'd hear nothing but how evil White people are. However, since the author of that drivel is Black, it's acceptable? I don't think so. What's fair for one side is fair for all sides. It seems to be that ever since Obama was nominated, Black people have been getting all uppity and thinking they're better than anyone else.... Note the sarcasm I used there? Why does everything have to come down to race?

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