Sunday, August 4, 2013

A Not-so-twisty Concept

I have to wonder about the latest trend in fast food. It seems more burger joints are joining in and it doesn't sound all that appealing to me. I'm talking about pretzel buns.

Now, I like a nice warm soft pretzel, coated with massive salt crystals, maybe dunked in cheese or spicy mustard. But never have I been eating a pretzel and thought, "Ya know...this would be great on a hamburger or hot dog!" I just don't like the idea of a hard crust surrounding my burger. Yet Wendy's has their burgers and Sonic has their hot dogs clothed in pretzel buns. A quick search on Google shows pretzel buns are readily available in many bakeries.

To be fair, I have not yet tried either fast food place to see if their fare is any good. I am tempted to get some pretzel buns by themselves, warm them up, coat them in salt and butter, and put in a good movie. Some day when I have nothing better to do and enough money to do it with, I might swing by and pick up one of these offers. Don't hold your breath, though.

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