Monday, February 21, 2011

Who's Sorry Now?

Okay, I have openly admitted I am a registered Republican. I do tend more toward the Moderate rather than Conservative, but still mainly on the Right. However, my main focus is Equality. I've tried to make that painfully clear: I don't care which side you're on, if you condemn someone for doing something, you should refrain from doing that same thing. If you want to be treated as an Equal, you should act as an Equal.

Most of us are very familiar with what happened in Tuscon last month; the shooting of Rep Giffords and killing of innocent people was definitely a tragedy. The media coverage of that was deplorable. Immediately, the Liberal-biased media blamed the Tea Party and Conservatives in general, and Sarah Palin in particular, for essentially brain-washing the man that pulled the trigger. Hatred and death threats were called out from these so-called "Progressives", demanding vengeance. Nothing was said by the Liberal Media at that point about the hypocrisy of these threats.

This month we have Gov Scott Walker trying to balance the budget in his state of Wisconsin. He called for cuts made to unionized employees, and the unions (and their workers) are literally up in arms about it. People from all over converged on the State Building in protest, and doctors were out distributing excuse notes so these people wouldn't get in trouble from their employers for having a major walk-out. Teachers left the classroom and took their classes with them, forcing the students to participate in a protest they weren't involved in. People from other states arrived in support of these protests.

That, however, isn't what I'm concerned with at this point. I'll save it for another rant. Right now, what concerns me is the lack of coverage from the Liberal Media about the death threats being made against Gov. Walker. There's a video on YouTube of a number of Tweets, people calling for the death of Gov. Walker, and in at least one case actually threatening to kill him. This information has only been found on the Conservative-biased Media, Fox News, and some blogger sites. It scares me to think of how many others aren't listed in this short video but still call for the death of a governor simply trying to balance his state's budget. How many of these people don't even know what's really going on, but simply following the popular outcry of the moment? How many of these people would deny any involvement if something should happen to the governor?

More and more, there are cases of "Do as I say, not as I do" on both sides of the political struggle. Liberals denouncing Conservatives for actions the Liberals themselves are doing, in both physical and verbal form. Conservatives doing the same song and dance routine with the Liberals. Nobody willing to take responsibility and govern themselves. We have people killing each other over some of the most ridiculous reasons: what to watch on TV, who's a better singer on the radio, which political party is right. Violence is becoming more and more the FIRST option, rather than a last resort. Allowing things such as these death threats to go unreported is, in my opinion, negligence on the part of the media. Doing so simply because they're against a Conservative and most of the media tends to support the Liberal view is criminal negligence. Should someone decide to follow through on these threats, who would the Liberal Media blame? How would they feel knowing these threats are out there and nothing is being done about them? How would YOU feel if you knew someone was making death threats against someone you disagreed with, and you did nothing about it? Whatever happened to "United We Stand"? Seriously, with all the rioting taking place in other countries, and the protesting going on here, how long until we see the violence escalate into rioting here?

1 comment:

Marna Mitchem said...

I absolutely agree. Anger is the main course of the day, it seems. Everyone seems justified in having 'over-the-edge' temper tantrums that result in hurting others. We excuse it so often - for reasons of mental breakdown and insanity. Which brings me to THAT subject - why are there so many mental breakdowns in our wonderful society? That would indicate a very unhappy bunch of people. But our only response is therapy (that doesn't work) and medication (that only masks the problem). No real cures and no one interested enough in how our society is operating to produce such negative responses. It's like an out-of-control train headed for disaster.
Truth isn't truth anymore - it's only who got the story and put "their own" spin on it.
Politicians are doing the same thing Big business is doing (I'm out for me and the big bucks) and the average Joe is thinking that this sort of behavior is "normal".
No wonder we're exploding from the inside.